Mr. Happy Sexed Semen is now Available
Freeman Ranch and Gwen Damato are proud to offer heifer sexed semen out of Mr. Happy for $250 per straw.
Freeman Ranch and Gwen Damato own the JUMA over Pompous herd sire, and he is currently located at the Freeman Ranch in Yoder, Colo.
"Mr. Happy is 85” tip to tip and has more twist than any adult longhorn bull today. On top of that, he is black hided and speckles to spare. He has hip height and frame that will improve carcass weights on his calves. Overall a top herd sire and for me truly a dream come true," said Russell Freeman.
For $250 a straw, producers have an 80%-90% chance of adding a Mr. Happy heifer calf to their breeding program.
Producers can take advantage of this opportunity by calling Russell Freeman at 719-338-5071, or by emailing